We All Need a Place for our Stuff

November 15, 2011 § Leave a comment

Stories from Patricia Victoria:

Recently I went into a consignment shop and I saw a woman pick out ten or more small handbags. Her mother was in a convalescent home and she found that many ladies there were always asking for their handbags, which of course, they no longer had. The woman went outside the store to ask her husband for the money to buy the purses, but he didn’t have any. I found out from the clerk that she only works part time and her husband had just lost his job. So I paid for the bags without her knowing and left. The next day I went back to the store, and the clerk was so happy to see me again. He said the woman cried and said that I must have been an angel. The clerk, who knows me, told her that I was The Angel Lady and then gave her one of my Guardian Angel pins, which I had given him to give to her. He said he will never forget the look on her face! To me, it was another day when I give out angels to those who need something to believe in.

I said to my daughters, “If you ever put me in a home please give me a big handbag with lots of stuff for me to go through.”

We all need our stuff! Sometimes even my notes need notes!

I also need one of our key biters to put on my purse, you never know when a few keys to jingle would be fun.

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