I’ve Met My Guardian Angel Twice

November 28, 2011 § Leave a comment

This story was mailed to Patricia, the Angel Lady:

Hi, I’m a retired NYPD detective who is an avid angel believer. I actually met my angel twice.

The first time was during a roof top chase when I leaped from one building to another but just caught on with my fingers – 8 stories up! I couldn’t kick my feet because that would have dislodged my hands. From the top of the building a pair of hands grabbed my wrists and pulled me up to safety. It was a little guy with a round face and a little mustache. At the time I was 240 lbs. so it amazed me that he was able to lift me straight up. I managed to ask him what he was doing on the roof in the middle of the night. He said he was feeding the pigeons. I found out later that there were no pigeons up there.

The second time was when a dope dealer aimed a gun right at my face and pulled the trigger but the gun didn’t fire. After arresting him and getting something to eat, I sat next to a familiar figure – a little guy with a round face and a little mustache. He says, “That was a close call”, paid his check and left. In the years since I have always wondered how he knew about the close call. Only one conclusion satisfies – He was my Angel. A humorous reflection about the incident always runs through my mind: I think, gee, I could have at least picked up his check!

L Rickter, Tennessee

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